Case No. 3:17-BK-4780 (LTS) In re: Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Docket No. Docket Text 1 Title III Petition for Covered Territory or Covered Instrumentality 2 Notice of Filing of Statement of Oversight Board Regarding Prepa's Title III Case 340 Order Directing Joint Administration of Initial Title III Cases and Additional Title III Case 2767 Order and Notice of Preliminary Designation of Mediation Team and Setting Deadlines for Objections to Membership 2772 Order Appointing Mediation Team 2773 Order Establishing the Terms and Conditions of Mediation 3031 Order (I) Ratifying Continued Appointment of Lead Mediator and (II) Appointing Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP as Special Advisor to the Lead Mediator 3304 Order: (I) Approving Disclosure Statement, (II) Fixing Voting Record Date, (III) Approving Confirmation Hearing Notice and Confirmation Schedule, (IV) Approving Solicitation Packages and Distribution Procedures, (V) Approving Forms of Ballots and Voting and Election Procedures, (VI) Approving Notice of Non-Voting Status, (VII) Fixing Voting, Election, and Confirmation Deadlines, and (VIII) Approving Vote Tabulation Procedures 3820 Order Setting Interim Litigation Deadlines Concerning Proposed Third Amended Plan of Adjustment 3950 Order Establishing Deadlines for Confirmation Proceedings for the Third Amended Plan of Adjustment of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 4181 Order (I) Approving Supplemental Disclosure Statement, (II) Fixing Voting Record Date, (III) Approving Confirmation Hearing Notice, (IV) Approving Solicitation Packages and Distribution Procedures, (V) Approving Forms of Ballots and Voting and Election Procedures, (VI) Approving Notice of Non-Voting Status, (VII) Fixing Voting and Election Deadlines, and (VIII) Approving Vote Tabultation Procedures 4399 Order Regarding Procedures for Hearing on Confirmation of PREPA Plan of Adjustment 5480 Order Concerning Mediation Team's Eighteenth Notice and Report